

TESLA Reviewing Almost 200,000 VEHICLES Since Programming Error CAN Make Reinforcement CAMERA GO Dull 


Tesla is reviewing almost 200,000 vehicles in the U.S. since the reinforcement camera may not work while the vehicle is backward. 

The review covers specific Models Y, S and X from the 2023 model year. All are outfitted with "Full Self-Driving" PC 4.0 and run programming variant 2023.44.30 through 2023.44.30.6 or 2023.44.100. 

The organization says in records posted by the U.S. Public Parkway Traffic Wellbeing Organization that product flimsiness might forestall the camera picture from showing pictures while the Teslas are backward. The security organization says that can expand the gamble of an accident.


Tesla says in reports that it doesn't know about any accidents or wounds. Archives say the issue has been fixed with an internet based programming update. 

Proprietors will be told by letter beginning Walk 22. 


Tesla said in reports that it doesn't know about any accidents, wounds or passings connected with the issue.Tesla started getting protests about the issue in late December and chosen to do a review on Jan. 12, records say. As of Jan. 22, the organization had 81 guarantee asserts possibly connected with the issue. 


Teslas can't drive themselves notwithstanding having a "Full Self-Driving" framework, and human drivers must be prepared to mediate consistently.

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